Casinos are kings of entertainment

Casinos are gambling spaces where people have every reason to be hopeful. For the decor to be just right, the choice of wall and ceiling covering has to be made with care. The various solutions offered by CLIPSO are therefore ideal for immersing customers in a world of entertainment. By mastering acoustics, light and design, you can create a world of your own.

The cold stretch covering is 100% customisable. Its size, available in large widths (up to 5.10 m), is ideal for large spaces. The stretch covering can also be used on lightboxes or wall frames. In addition, CLIPSO’s extensive range of products, together with its many features, means that it can meet all specific requirements. Digital printing is also available, offering the luxury of creating a grandiose decor to dress up the casino with a colourful setting. Choose your visual identity (with a photo, quote or drawing etc.) and CLIPSO will take care of the printing!

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