So Deco by Clipso

In a public or private space, our visuals adapt!

The images provided can be used in any environment; in an open space or in your living room, they immediately create a special atmosphere! Backlighting or direct lighting gives an extra cachet to your wall or ceiling.

Many private customers have already made their choice from our image collections. A personalised image with a first name in a child’s bedroom, a graphic visual in a teenager’s bedroom, a landscape in the living room... all these visuals can be installed in your home to contribute to an interior that reflects your own tastes. So why wait? Be inspired by your own wishes and tastes! With SO DECO, there’s no limit to your inspiration.

On a wall or ceiling, a printed stretched canvas will add a modern touch to your room. Minimalist on one wall only, or maximalist on all the walls, the printed canvas will be the centrepiece of your interior decoration. The reconstructions below will help you find inspiration. 

If the visual you’re interested in is not among our reconstructions, please contact our SO DECO service and ask them to produce your montage. Whether the image is from our collections or a personal image, our team will be pleased to respond to your request!

Our collections are an incomplete selection of the works of art that we can offer you. If you wish, you can use your own image resources to create your printed ceiling or wall. Please contact us if you have any questions. You can also consult this website to find further inspiration. 

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